Flying should be fun. If you make ten flights a day as a professional tandem pilot – where efficiency, economy and passenger safety share priority – flying is often hard work. In the BIBETA 6 we  have managed to achieve the difficult objective of packing the best of current tandems into one product – with no compromise: fun all round – all day.

 Developed, tried and tested together with tandem professionals

  For the first time, commercial tandem pilots were closely involved in the development process of a BIBETA design. Together with several professional pilots from companies operating in the  Interlaken tandem Mecca we defined the best individual takeoff, in-flight handling and landing qualities of current tandems as our benchmark criteria.

  During a long test programme BIBETA 6 prototypes were tried out in everyday use by our extended development team, and the intricate feedback obtained reworked into the design until each desired criterion had been not only achieved, but exceeded. At the end the professionals had only one question: when can we get one?


  From only 6.7 kg, but strong and long-lived

  The BIBETA 6 is a completely new design and now comes in two sizes, 38 and 41. Line sorting is a breeze. Give the three-liner risers a shake and the lines separate; sorting is quickly done. The canopy rises evenly without overshooting, and passenger and pilot are soon airborne. In flight the BIBETA 6 responds directly and precisely to the smallest brake input. Comfortable brake loading    and perfect flare behaviour complete the satisfying experience. Reinforced sliced diagonals, crossing rods in the leading edge, broad-gauge lines and strengthened support points give this                working tandem a specially long life. But despite the strong design the wing packs up small and weighs a sensationally low 6.95 kg for the 41.

  High strength Magix Pro Aramid lines

  The BIBETA 6 mostly has uncovered Magix Pro Aramid lines by Edelrid, the German high quality maker. New technology and complex finishing processes give this High-End product 20 % more strength, 17 % better kink and bending resistance as well as longer life – compared to equivalent covered lines. The Aramid lines are extremely stable in length and easy to sort by their colour coding. Their outstanding resistance to water and dust means that they do not need special handling. Detailed information about the lines can be found on this website or in the Line Guide.




  The BIBETA 6 has trimmers which provide a speed increase of about 6 kph, giving the pilot a useful safety speed reserve against strong wind. Open trims together with big ears (Vary-Grip) is a comfortable and considerate way to descend with a passenger when necessary.


  Split A-risers make big ears easy. Each outer A line can be held in a jam cleat on the back of its C-riser. BIBETA 6 ears can stay folded without pilot assistance, for as long as needed, thus saving the biceps. At the same time the wing can be steered normally by brake; or the pilot could take advantage of hands-free flight for some photography.



 Every BIBETA line has internal loop reinforcement. To achieve this a length of the same line is spliced inside a loop, increasing its line diameter, and thus the surface area of loop to loop contact. This reduces pressure where thin line meets thicker, and avoids the problem of the thin line cutting into the other. Base line loops also have external covers to minimise wear where they meet their    quicklink.


 Edelrid Magix Pro lines differ from other uncovered versions because they undergo a detailed Thermo Shield treatment and have an additional UV-Protec-Coating, which filters out the sun’s damaging UV light. These finishing processes prolong life, provide resistance to dust and water, and, at the same time, minimise the loss of strength caused by UV radiation.





38 41
Flat surface m2 38.1


Projected surface

m2 32.3 34.5
Recommended takeoff weight kg 100-180


Glider weight

kg 6.7 6.95
Span m 14.4


Projected span

m 11.4 11.8
Aspect ratio 5.45


Projected aspect ratio

4 4
Number of cells 53


Number of risers

3+1 3+1
Trimmers yes






Upper surface

Skytex 38 universal, 39 g/m2
Lower surface

DOKDO 20, 37.5 g/m2


Skytex 40 hard finish, 40 g/m2
Unsuspended profiles

Skytex 32 hard finish, 33 g/m2

Leading edge

Skytex 38 universal, 39 g/m2

Skytex 38 universal, 39 g/m2

Galery lines

A-8000U-190, -130, -090, -070, -050
Brake lines

A-8000U-190, -130, -090

Steering lines

Main lines

A-8000U-360, U-230


Polyester 22mm, 1200daN
Quick links

MR Delta 4mm / S25




















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